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Episode 18: Ashley’s Birth Story

Ashley talks about the benefits she experienced from practicing hypnobirthing techniques and remaining calm throughout the process.

Episode 17: RN to Doula

How is being a nurse different from being a doula? Carolyn and her guest Jennifer discuss their transitions from being a Registered Nurse.

Episode 16: Breastfeeding Part 2

Carolyn and Linda Smith examine evidence-based breastfeeding practices and debunk some breastfeeding myths.

Episode 15: Breastfeeding Part 1

Carolyn welcomes back lactation consultant and childbirth educator Linda Smith to discuss the science of breastfeeding and human lactation.

Episode 14: Home Birth

Carolyn invites Bethany to discuss her home birth experience and compare the hospital-based biomedical model of childbirth and home birth.

Episode 13: Skin to Skin

Carolyn and Linda Smith discuss the benefits of skin to skin contact, for the mother and baby, and the father/partner and baby, too.

Episode 12: Stages of Labor

Carolyn and April Kline talk about embracing each unique stage of labor with it’s own lessons and rewards.

Episode 10: Mind Body Connection

Carolyn andTeresa J Helm discuss how a strong mind-body connection is a powerful tool in achieving a positive birth.

Episode 9: Induction

Our society likes predictability and we love to schedule things, so why not birth?

Episode 8: Matt's Story

Being aware is a large part of participating in a partner's pregnancy and Carolyn's guest Matt urges us to take it one step at a time.

Episode 7: Birth Plans Pt. 2

In this episode Carolyn welcomes back April Kline. They talk about what happens after your baby is born and how to advocate for them.

Episode 6: Hallie's Story

Was I ever told about labor and delivery? Why does the medical profession try to fix everything instead of understand it?

Episode 3: Prenatal Yoga

In this episode, Carolyn talks to yoga teacher Purna Devi and learns the benefits of doing yoga during pregnancy.

Episode 2: Due Dates

Let’s “due” some calculations! Or shall we say re-calculations or mis-calculations? When will you have your baby? Everyone wants to know!

Episode 1: What Doulas Know

Going through life is so much easier with a companion who is there for you unconditionally. A doula is a companion, an educator, an advocate

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